So there I was, for those many years, with not one, but two of these beasts in my stash. Some time along about 2005, I picked up a re-release of this kit (I'll have a separate thread for that build), but then for reasons that I cannot explain, I picked up an original 1977 release of this kit via eBay. Once I resumed modeling back in 1995, I always knew I'd want to tackle this monster of a kit again someday. My dad divorced that lady in 1980, and I never saw that model again. I only have vague memories of what happened to that build, but what I do remember is that sometime in 1979, my dad remarried, and they lived in a condo in SW Houston, where I remember that B-29 model at one point leaning against a wall atop a high shelf in a bedroom, and then later having been relocated to above the open-air rafters in the garage. Back then, I don't believe that I had yet discovered paint for model airplanes, and I immediately set to putting that beast together. Way back in 1977, I found this box under my Christmas tree. I have finally completed a dual project of two Monogram B-29 bombers that I began on 2 September 2019. Well, let no one ever say that I am not a glutton for punishment.